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#1 2016-04-29 19:37:58

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
Messages: 5912
Site web

Give us a story and a breeding programme to play and work with!

I was thinking of a way to get some more fun back into the game. What I’m missing on PV is a story – a story which forms the framework so to say.

So have you ever wondered why a fairy takes care for our ponies? And why is she the only fairy? Doesn’t she have friends of her own kind? She seems to live in the huge tree in the middle of the village to overlook everything happening there.

Or have you ever thought of the size of the ponies which seem to be even smaller than a fairy? Some sets let them be small enough to stand on a flower. Other sets make them huge as a dragon or at least human heroes we know from several tv shows and movies.

And as a last point: are there special colours for certain breeds of ponies that should be achieved? Colours you associate with their elements which are water, air, fire, earth and love? What about the felines? Should they be breed to colours typical for feline animals, such as all shades of brown?

I for myself search for a new ideal for breeding – a sense for reproducing ponies that’s not only “getting more of them” or “trying to inherit traits”. It should be more, shouldn’t it?

When V2 was launched I thought of different pony-clans but skipped the idea to achieve all the trophies available. Now I reduced my ponies from nearly 5.000 to 800 and they still seem to be too many. I’d love to have more specials, some significant ones. But what is significant in this game?

Back in V1 there were clans of ponies to emphasise their bloodline, their origin. With limited breeding points it would be even more plausible to proceed that way. Again we’re in need of significance – in need of special ponies we’d love to own an offspring of.

Another – yet useless – thing of the game is the possibility to give a certain pony a “like”. I’m sure the programmers had a plan when including this option. Maybe raising the value of a pony to gain more points in the ranking (that has vanished a year ago due to some bugs we’ve never been aware of – I’m still disappointed by that action when everything else the programmers have done in that period of time was… yeah, nothing).

What about giving a like when the ponies colours suit their race, i.e. colours of fire, ash and coal for fire ponies?

What if we plan and arrange a “value system” by ourselves? Making ponies with 0 or 255 in their colour scheme in V1 “pure ponies” was the players own rule as well! So why not setting up new rules? What do you think? Do you already have ideas? Please share them! :D

"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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#2 2016-04-29 21:58:06

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2010-12-01
Messages: 24

Re: Give us a story and a breeding programme to play and work with!

Sounds interesting. I'll have to think about it, as far as actual details. I've been trying to breed misties, but breeding results in this version are really random. Before you had some idea of the results of breedings and could work toward pures and certain glitch colors. It was also easier to keep track of families because you could see all your babies under each parent. (If there is a way to do this now I am unaware of it.)
Have a great weekend, Chris

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#3 2016-04-30 14:33:29

fiche Eleveur
Lieu: Székesfehérvár
Date d'inscription: 2008-09-04
Messages: 159
Site web

Re: Give us a story and a breeding programme to play and work with!

I still got memorys of the V1 storyline and i found a good role for the fairy in it and made it a V2 story (in thoughts). Catitiz_PDT_14
Breeding by color fits a certin race, i have to try that, sounds fun. Catitiz_PDT_18
For the pony size matter i belive i made a post about that before Catitiz_PDT_19

Belive in your self, and u can overcome all obstacle

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#4 2016-04-30 18:35:25

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
Messages: 825

Re: Give us a story and a breeding programme to play and work with!

It's so nice to see something happening on the Forum,Shinsengumi,thank you for that :) I'm just wondering if there's enough players still coming here to make some bigger changes... But well, even if it means a more interesting gameplay for a few people,it's worth it!

About breeding races by colors, Likkymound used such rules in her herd. I'll try to get more details from her since I remember it was a cool idea ^^ But it was more like dividing all avaliable colors between the races than making the colors match the race. Or maybe like doing both at the same time :P I'll ask her!

About the story... I think the FLYING ISLAND and the mountains on the horizon are worth mentioning :D Especially because of this :

The unexplored land we never got an access to seems to be an island like those seen distantly on the sky! This could be something great. Maybe some kind of a place for special community events, festives...Maybe the herds' final destination? Or a place where only ponies with certain acheievements or personality traits can visit or live in? I'd love to hear your ideas :D

About the Likes. I have a habit of choosing a random pony in the herd of a first friend showing on the list and giving an apple and a Like to them :) And when people show the cute little foals born from breeding projects :) Or when I see a beautiful pony in the Contest I give it a vote and Like. But there's still many to give, it'd be great to have more "excuses" to give them away! ^^

Dernière modification par dodec1 (2016-04-30 18:35:44)

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#5 2016-04-30 22:35:21

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
Messages: 5912
Site web

Re: Give us a story and a breeding programme to play and work with!

I had to dig deep for that - I once scribbled the floating island and imagined it as the place where the wild ponies live in different habitats suiting their race. A second fairy/elf - a male one this time - has his camp there and helps when the eager pony-breeder tries to catch a new pony for their stables.


"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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#6 2016-05-01 09:57:49

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
Messages: 825

Re: Give us a story and a breeding programme to play and work with!

This is wonderful! Ponies' origin...Maybe some not discovered yet or not "tamed" races are there too? :D

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#7 2016-05-24 11:31:54

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2013-03-10
Messages: 158

Re: Give us a story and a breeding programme to play and work with!

ooooh I'm game! I love world building and such :D since the game seems pretty dead, maybe the developers will start looking at it again if we ourselves bring live into it?

I wasn't around for the v1 days, but I'm aware of the artwork fiasco

so what is needed? I'll come up with something :D

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#8 2016-05-24 17:03:39

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
Messages: 5912
Site web

Re: Give us a story and a breeding programme to play and work with!

What about something you'd love to see? :D

A cool new place to explore, the farm features not yet released, a training camp, Blueberrys Treehouse... every creative input is a joy to read and see. :D

"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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#9 2016-06-13 16:28:06

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2013-03-10
Messages: 158

Re: Give us a story and a breeding programme to play and work with!

oooh i'd love to see like NPC ponies, I heard there was this feature called a blackmarket, maybe we could have a few NPC ponies running it? There is the salon what about an NPc love pony who takes great joy in doing the manes and tails of our ponies :D

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