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#1 2015-01-06 16:59:54

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
Messages: 5912
Site web

New Set: Alien Warrior


Beyond our world - far away in space - there's another planet, strange and dangerous and trapped in a raging war that shall never end.

This planet is guarded by brave warriors, veterans of countless battles. They are living monuments, representing the harshness of this alien world.


"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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#2 2015-01-06 18:13:13

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2012-04-26
Messages: 714

Re: New Set: Alien Warrior

This is a bit of an odd set, but I find it pretty. I'm not so fond of the accessory but the rest is nice :)

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#3 2015-01-06 20:26:44

fiche Eleveur
Lieu: Székesfehérvár
Date d'inscription: 2008-09-04
Messages: 159
Site web

Re: New Set: Alien Warrior

Not my taste, kinda reminds me of the Hades set.
Although the story for the set is good, i like that Catitiz_PDT_14

Belive in your self, and u can overcome all obstacle

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#4 2015-01-06 20:32:30

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
Messages: 5912
Site web

Re: New Set: Alien Warrior

A German player said it sounded awful and cruel - but I like it as well. *giggles*

I loved the hades-Set. You're right, it really looks familiar. Now I know why I bought the set instantly. :D

"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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