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#1 2014-07-04 22:09:17

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2010-12-03
Messages: 211

Types of Traits


I was looking at all the traits the store has and I thought most of the time I don't want a full set of traits. Usually it's the coat or mane that I like.

Although, the only time I actually like them is if they are either plain or have a light design on them. Nothing big like the Goth of Lowlands mane. It's much too big of a design and doesn't flow withe mane of the pony.

The accessories I like are the ones that look fancy or cover up something else. Like the Countess Vampire.

The Coats need to either have a light design or gradient or they need to be completely plain. It starts looking weird to me when there's a pattern that doesn't flow together and it starts looking like wallpaper on the poney's body.

Backgrounds and foregrounds I'm okay with.

Hooves are usually okay but they need to be covering the hoof in some way.

So, what do you look for when you want a trait?

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#2 2014-07-04 23:19:56

fiche Eleveur
Lieu: Székesfehérvár
Date d'inscription: 2008-09-04
Messages: 159
Site web

Re: Types of Traits

I usually look for light pastel colored sets mostly. Like the Lotus set not long ago.
My second choise that i consider are "frilly" or girly themed sets. Like the Rococo set.
I don't use to buy darker colored sets, only if i see that i can use the set pieces with other traits for the beauty contest.

Belive in your self, and u can overcome all obstacle

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#3 2014-08-12 06:51:28

fiche Eleveur
Lieu: USA & China
Date d'inscription: 2010-12-04
Messages: 93
Site web

Re: Types of Traits

I am kind of like Surrano. I love girly traits with pastel colors, wings, and lace.
I usually love all of the fairy-themed sets, the duo sets, and the floral sets.
Some of my favorite sets are Imperial Beloved, Imperial Lover, Spring Bride, and Spring Groom.

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#4 2014-08-12 14:13:06

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
Messages: 5912
Site web

Re: Types of Traits

I love dark themed traits or earthly colours. Everything brown, green and orange. I do love red, too - but I'm not that fancy of coats with too many spots or ornaments, looking a bit chaotic when being combined with other traits.

I do have a soft spot for historical costume-traits as well and wish there would be more of them, especially for stallions. ^.^

"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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#5 2014-08-14 16:51:09

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2013-03-10
Messages: 158

Re: Types of Traits

Ilove angelic/demonic sets oh and dragon related sets anything scary I guess xD

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#6 2014-09-13 13:24:52

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2010-12-01
Messages: 252

Re: Types of Traits

I love them to be simplistic yet possessing neat little details that add to the design and do not clutter the overall effect, I also like colours that will go with a lot of ponies and look good on all the breeds. I am also a fan of back grounds because they can look so pretty!

"You can only come to the morning through the shadows.” 
― J.R.R. Tolkien

I love this quote!

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#7 2014-09-14 00:54:39

rubi cinaed
fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2013-02-05
Messages: 21

Re: Types of Traits

I find I like individual traits over the packs...As for particular likes..it really depends on the traits and the ponies Im trying to use them on.

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