Good news!
We have worked on the barn to improve its conditions of use.
First we have increased the number of ponies you can see on a single page, from 12 to 15.
We have reintroduced groups in a much more ergonomic version.
Thanks to these new groups, you are gonna be able to organized your ponies at will, to put them it personalized groups with a name, a description but also:
and icon.
For that, you just have to create a group and drag and drop the ponies on the icon of that group.
Once he is part of a group, a pony has a particular frame color linked to the group he belongs to.
We have also worked on the filters to make the pony search more accessible and clear.
We now have 4 different types: Race, Genre, Marital and Familial Status plus 3 new color filters.
These will enable you to select a palette, a color, a tone independently for each part of the pony (mane, coat, eyes).
And we have added numeric information on the number of ponies, that shows how many ponies of each race are present in the stable.
These information will be updated to correspond to your searches, so you can for instance quickly check how many pure male ponies you possess.
We hope you will be happy with these changes!