Hi everyone,
As you probably saw, the contest was closed in the middle of the week, the reason why is because we have decided to work on several modifications.
We wanted to work on the contest to try and make it more attractive for you.
What are these modifications?
1) Registration
The first change concerns the date of the contest, it will now start on Thursdays to offer you an activity on that rather calm day.
There will be a new contest and a new theme every week.
There will be rules to make sure the theme is respected.
To register your pony, you will have to check and respect these rules that can concern the pony or his traits.
Little icons will be used to display the rules like this:
The red means forbidden and the green means compulsory.
Here, for example, the rules are: adulthood compulsory, yellow tones eyes forbidden, hove accessories forbidden, more than 4 traits required, has to be a male.
There are many more rules, you will discover them little by little :)
When you register your pony, the information about your pony is saved for the contest, so that even if you make modifications on your pony after having saved, his or her contest outfit will be stocked for the contest.
2) Vote
The is no changes in the system of votes, yet information has been added to make it more easy for you.
The rounds will be more clearly displayed. The players will now see the current round number, the number of ponies qualified and the most important thing for any participant: am I still qualified for the current round?
Reminder, rounds work as follow:
At the end of each day, 1/7th of the participants are disqualified, so that only the ponies with many votes remain.
3) Rewards
Rewards have also undergone modifications and they are back more gorgeous than ever.
So that the contest remains attractive for all, we have changed the main reward (a whole set) so that now it is different for each new contest!
Here is the list of rewards for the top 3 players:
- The current release set (launched on Monday before the contest results)
- A cup that corresponds to their place on the pony file (in the trophy tab)
- A new foreground that corresponds to their ranking
- A special trophy
- 300, 200, 100 coins according to the order on the podium.
For this first contest and to celebrate the opening of the Olympic Games, you can use any type of pony but he or she must wear at least 5 traits, the same way there are 5 Olympic rings, to be able to register.
Good luck to all of you!