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Inscrit depuis le 10.11.09
Possède 483 poneys
n° 0
Score d'élevage
Score de poneys
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Feel free to send requests for my boys, I accept all.
Send a friend request if you like, I don't mind one bit
Current goals;;
1. Acquire more ITs!
2. Win in the Beauty Contest at least once

I don't really have much to say at the moment... Sorry.
Have a great day! ^^

ITs Acquired Count;; 65
Misty Acquired Count;; 29
Double Misty Acquired Count;; 1

~My Traits;;



 ?Christmas Pack?(doesn't have name), ?Chrimstas Tree?(doesn't have name), 7th Birthday, Africa, Air Mage, Alien, Angel, Angelic, Arcane Dragon, Archdevil, Astral Dragon, Astral Guardian, Astral Monkey, Astral Rabbit, Aurora, Avatar of Love, Babygirl, Banshee, Barbarian Princess, Belle, Black Elf, Black Mage, Blood Mary, Cabaret, Celeste, Celestial Dragon, Christmas(2013), Christmas Cake, Christmas Decoration, Christmas Elves, Christmas Reindeer, Christmas Star, Contaminated, Cook(new), Countess Vampire, Crystal Fairy, Cyborg, Dark Lolita, Demoniac, Desert Warrior, Djinn, Donkeyskin, Dryad, Easter 2009, Easter 2010, Easter Egg, Easter Spirit, Easter Rabbit, Egyptian, Elfin, Epiphany 2009, Evening Star, Evil Queen, Exopony, Exotic Fish, Fairylike Spring, Fall Groom, Fashion Designer, Feline Witch, Fir Tree, Fire Elemental Lord, Fireman, First Days of Fall, Flowery Spring, Freyja, Funfair, Gift-wrapping, Gladiator, Goth Pony, Gray Cat, Grinch, Guardian of Souls, Happy Birthday 6th, Heroic Fantasy, Ice Shaman, Imperial Beloved, Imperial Lover, Jack Funeral, Jewels, Juliet, Keeper of Secrets, King Arthur, King of the Cake, Leprechaun, Little Devil, Magic, Maiko, Master of the Sack, Merlin, Minstrel, Minor Jack'O'Lantern, Mist Fairy, Momy's Day, Moon Avatar, Moon Medium, Morgan le Fay,Morning Star, Mouse, Mummy, Musical Celebration, Mustang, Nature, Nature(2), Nephilim, New Pony, Nightmare Dragon, Noctis Umbra, Ocean, Olympus, Oneiric, Oracle of the Moon, Oracle of the Sun, Pastel Lolita, Peacock, Pegasus Knight, Pink, Plaines of Verteau, Planet Mars, Planet Neptune, Poema the Enchantress, Poppy, Prince of Darkness, Rainbow, Red Apocalypse, Reindeer, Robin Hood, Rollerblade, Ronin, Ruby 2009, Saddi Spider, Samurai, Scholar, Shadow of Sleepy Hollow, Shahryar, Sherazade, Silver Griffon, Skeleton Spirit, Snow Queen, Space Princess. Spring Spirit, Starter, Strawberry-Vanilla, Sun Avatar, Tahiti, Tea Ceremony, Thunder Dragon, Twoll Waudou, Utumnus Gnome, Von Rothbart, Water Elemental Lord, Wavell, Wind, Wings of Innocence, Winter Avatar, Winter Bride, Winter Groom, Winter Reindeer, White Witch, Wolfy, Zombie


?Christmas Pack?, ?Christmes Tree?, 7th Birthday, Aerialist, Alchemist, Aldus Fields, Angelic, Aquarius, Arcane Dragon, Ashes and Embers, Astral Dog, Astral Rabbit, Astral Snake, Astral Tiger, Atipico, Autumn Muse, Autumn Queen, Autumn Tree, Avatar of Love, Baker, Banshee,  Befana, Belle, Blue Sailor, Bubble, Bucchus, Cabaret,  Calligraphy, Carnival, Cat Witch, Celestial Dragon, Christmas Cake, Christmas Decoration, Christmas Elves, Christmas Fairy, Christmas Reindeer, Christmas Star, Cook, Coral Reef, Countess Vampire, Crow Prophet, Crystal Fairy, Cybergoth, Dark Lolita, Demoniac, Donkeyskin, Dragon New Year, Dragonfly, Easter 2009, Easter 2010, Easter Egg, Easter Rabbit, Easter Spirit, Elven Princess, Emo, Esthetician, Evening Star, Exopony, Fall Groom, Fallen Angel, Figure Skating, Fir Tree, Fire Elemental Lord, Flora, Gift-wrapping, Gifts holder, Gladiator, God of Space, Goddess of Time, Got Talent, Goth Angel, Grinch, Guardian of Souls, Hades, Harpy, Heart Beat, Hero from Heaven, Hindu Princess, House of Lions, Ice, Ice Guardian, Imperial Beloved, Imperial Lover, Indigenous, Jack Funeral, Jade Prince, King Arthur, King of the Cake, Lady Gothick, Lantern Fish, Leprechaun, Little Princess, Master of the Sack, Minor Jack'O'Lantern, Mist Fairy, Morgan le Fay, Morning Star, Mouse, Musical Celebration, Mythical Bird, Nature, Nephilim, New Pony, Nightmare Dragon, Ocean, Oneiric, Oracle of the Moon, Oracle of the Sun, Origami, OtherWorld Ghost, Pastel Lolita, Pegasus Knight, Pharaoh, Phoenix, Plaines of Verteau, Planet Jupiter, Planet Saturn, Planet Uranus, Prince of Darkness, Punk Rock, Pyrotechnician 2009, Rainbow, Red Apocalypse, Reindeer, Rollerblade, Ronin, Ruby 2009, Samurai, Scarlet Fairy, Scholar, Shadow of Sleepy Hollow, Ski, Snow Queen, Spirit of the Deer, Spring Spirit, Star Princess, Starter, Summer Groom, Sun Medium, Swan, Sweet Lolita, Tinker Bell, Twoll Waudou, Vampire, Violet Witch, Water Elemental Lord, Werewolf, White Pansy, Wind, Winter, Winter Avatar, Winter Bride, Winter Groom, Winter Fairylike, Winter Reindeer, Witch Disguise, Wolfy, Zombie         


?Christmas Pack?, ?Christmas Tree?, 7th Birthday, Africa, Air Mage, Angelic, Appalaro Cowboy, Arcane Dragon, Asian, Astral Buffalo, Astral Dog, Astral Dragon, Astral Pig, Astral Rat, Astral Rooster, Atipico, Aurora, Avatar of Love, Banshee, Barbaric Prince, Belle, Black Tribal, Bohemian, Bucchus, Cabaret, Celestial Dragon, Christmas(2013), Christmas Cake, Christmas Decoration, Christmas Elves, Christmas Reindeer, Christmas Star, Cook, Coral Reef, Count Vampire, Countess Vampire, Crow Prophet, Crystal, Crystal Fairy, Cthulhu, Dark Lolita, Demoniac, Diamond, Doe, Donkeyskin, Dragon of Chaos, Easter 2009, Easter 2010, Easter Egg, Easter Rabbit, Easter Spirit, Eclispe Avatar, Elegant Gothic Lolita, Elfin, Ent, Eskimo, Esthetician, Evening Star, Exopony, Fall Groom, Fallen Angel, Fir Tree, Fire Elemental Lord, Fire Mage, Genie of the Blue Sands, Gifts Holder, Gift-wrapping, Gladiator, Grinch, Guardian of Souls, Hades, Hearts, Heroic Fantasy, House of Snakes, Ice, Imperial Beloved, Imperial Holiday, Imperial Lover, J-Pop, Jack Funeral, Juliet, Key To Happiness, King Arthur, King of the Cake, Lion(Leo?), Lady Gothick, Leprechaun, Little Devil, Little Princess, MacPoons, Married, Mars Keeper, Master of the Sack, Message of Love, Midnight, Milky Way, Minor Jack'O'Lantern, Miss Pirate, Miss Stayned-Glass, Moon Avatar, Moon Medium, Morgan le Fay, Morning Star, Mouse, Mushroom, Musical Celebration, Mythical Bird, Narwhal, Nephilim, New Pony, Nightmare Dragon, Oneiric, Oracle of the Moon, Oracle of the Sun, Origami, Panda, Pastel Lolita, Pegasus Knight, Pink Lace, Plaines of Verteau, Poseidon, Prince of Darkness, Princess Flower, Purple Butterfly, Queen Witch, Rain, Reindeer, Rollerblade, Ronin, Ruby 2009, Sakura, Samurai, Scholar, Sea Princess, Shadow of Sleepy Hollow, Shell, Shiva, Snow Queen, Snowdrop, Space, Spirit of the Deer, Spring Spirit, Star Coat, Star Princess, Starter, Sweet, Tea Ceremony, Thanksgiving Turkey, Vampire, Venus, Water Elemental Lord, Water Lily, Wellness, Wind, Winter Avatar, Winter Bride, Winter Groom, Winter Reindeer, White Tribal, Wolfy, Zephyr           


?Christmas Pack?, ?Christmas Tree?, 7th Birthday, Aeria Pirate, Africa, Angelic, Antic Dancer, Anubis, Aquarius, Arcane Dragon, Astral Horse, Astral Pig, Astral Rabbit, Astral Rat, Astral Snake, Atipico, Aurora, Autumn Queen, Autumn Unicorn, Avatar of Love, Banshee, Beez, Belle, Biker, Black Lace, Black Nurse, Blood Mary, Cabaret, Capricorn 2009, Celestial Dragon, Christmas Cake, Christmas Decoration, Christmas Elves, Christmas Fairy, Christmas Reindeer, Christmas Star, Cinderella, Cook(new), Coral Reef, Countess Vampire, Crow Prophet, Crystal Fairy, Cybergoth, Dame Unicorn, Dark Lolita, Demon, Demoniac, Doe, Donkeyskin, Dryad, Easter 2009, Easter 2010, Easter Egg, Easter Rabbit, Elven Princess, Epona, Esthetician, Evening Star, Exopony, Fall Groom, Feline Witch, Fenrir, Fir Tree, Fire Elemental Lord, Fire Mage, Firekeeper, Gemini 2009, Gift-wrapping, Gladiator, God of Space, Goddess of Time, Green Fairy, Grinch, Guardian of Souls, Happy Birthday 6th, Happy Birthday 8th, Harvest Goddess, Hermes, Heroic Fantasy, Ice Dragon, Imperial Beloved, Imperial Holiday, Imperial Lover, Juliet, King Arthur, King of the Cake, Lady Gothick, Lady of the Lake, Leprechaun, Little Devil, Little Princess, Love Potion, Martha Rose, Master of the Sack, Midnight, Minor Jack'O'Lantern,  Miss Stayned-Glass, Mist Fairy, Morgan le Fay, Morning Star, Mouse, Musical Celebration, Mythical Bird, Nephilim, New Pony, New Year 2010, New Year 2014, Nightmare Dragon, Northern Lights, Olympic Spirit, Oneiric, Oracle of the Moon, Oracle of the Sun, Origami, Pastel Lolita, Pegasus Knight, Plaines of Verteau, Poema the Enchantress, Prince of Darkness, Reindeer, Rollerblade, Romeo, Ronin, Ruby 2009, Sagittarius, Sakura, Samurai, Sand Storm, Scholar, Sea Princess, Shell, Shadow of Sleepy Hollow, Shooting Star, Silver Griffin, Snow Queen, Spirit of Halloween, Spirit of the Deer, Spring Bride, Spring Fairy, Squirrel, Starter, Steampunk, Sun Avatar, Sun Medium, Sweet, Taurus, Twoll Waudou, Valentine's day 2010, Water Elemental Lord, White Fairy, White Rabbit, White Tiger, Wings Of Innocence, Winter Avatar, Winter Bride, Winter Groom, Winter Reindeer, Wolfy, Yggrasil   

Les Poneys de Sylar1995