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#101 2016-02-25 04:18:40

fiche Eleveur
Lieu: Mexico Señores!!!
Date d'inscription: 2015-11-04
Messages: 24
Site web

Re: Do/Are You

(I didn't knew that... D:)

Since I don't have pets in my house (sad but true), I should say that myself. But I really don't lose enough hair *laughs* as my sister, or any other pet in general.

Do you live outside the United States? If so where do you live? (I am not a stalker) XD

"We live our lives how we want to! It's our story, and we own it! We like what we write and we don't care about critiques! Let us live freely!" - Alexa (Me) ^-^

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#102 2016-03-05 10:58:39

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
Messages: 825

Re: Do/Are You

I do. I live in Poland.

Do you like watching birds? If so, what are the most interesting (colorful/rare/odd :P ) ones you've seen?

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#103 2016-03-05 19:15:55

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
Messages: 5912
Site web

Re: Do/Are You

Oh, I do! I especially love to watch and talk to my almost tame blackbirds that jump around me whenever I dig or weed in the garden. <3

The oddest bird I've ever seen while douing so was a yellow canary that escaped from some neighbour. ^.^

Do you love jigsaws? I for myself am addicted. :D

"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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#104 2016-03-24 22:25:24

fiche Eleveur
Lieu: Second Star to the Right
Date d'inscription: 2008-10-20
Messages: 87

Re: Do/Are You

I like jigsaws if they are mildly easy and not too difficult. Maybe 100 to 250 pieces. Anymore higher than it gets too much for me - unless I have someone helping me. Now, if a big puzzle was placed on a table in some corner to be fiddled with now and then, that would be fun to stop by once in a while to put a few pieces in.

Do you like Easter egg hunts? Or just scavenger hunts in general?

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