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#1 2014-12-24 23:23:05

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
Messages: 5912
Site web

Vintage Pony: Gift-Wrapping


Blueberry likes to wish you all a merry Christmas!

She offers you the exclusive set "Gift-Wrapping" with a whole new foreground and grants you a discount of -99%! You find the set in store when you click on "Promos".


The set "Gift-Wrapping" is an exclusive set and will disappear in store next Wednesday.

"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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#2 2014-12-25 01:37:05

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2013-03-10
Messages: 158

Re: Vintage Pony: Gift-Wrapping

it's not in the store for me only the rudolph set appears as promo :c

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#3 2014-12-25 04:31:33

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2010-08-27
Messages: 112

Re: Vintage Pony: Gift-Wrapping

Hm, after doing a daily quest, as a reward I get a promo for one hour for Gift-Wrapping set. It was saying I'd get a -99% discount, but I didn't. I got a -50% discount, althought it was still saying "-99%". I bought it for about ~1200 gold.
It wasn't showing in the market, it was just on the left side like other promos you get after finishing the daily quest.
And now I can see it in a promo section for 24 gold... Why did I spent those 1200 gold?! :( :(

But I like this set very much thou.

~ Rai

PS player, PV V1 player, now PV V2 player!

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#4 2014-12-25 17:36:08

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
Messages: 5912
Site web

Re: Vintage Pony: Gift-Wrapping

That's why I said you should search in the "Promos"-section, it can't be found somewhere else. ^.^

If you receive a discount after doing a quest, the discount of the quest is always the counting one. You have to wait til time runs out so the 50% changes to 99%. ^.^

"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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