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#1 2014-07-08 11:59:46

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2009-05-03
Messages: 5912
Site web

New set: Tattoo


The art of tattooing looks back on a long and rich history.

Whether Tribal, Abstract, Neo Pointillism or “old school”, everyone can find a style that will suit them well.

But whatever choice you make, take your time and think twice before walking into the next tattoo-shop because a tattoo will be a permanent thing to wear!


"Dimmi, mente amantissima mia..." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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#2 2014-07-08 12:45:58

fiche Eleveur
Lieu: Székesfehérvár
Date d'inscription: 2008-09-04
Messages: 159
Site web

Re: New set: Tattoo

The Tatto looks great, hooves and Bg kinda nice, the rest didn't caught me Catitiz_PDT_06
But all in all it still looks kinda....good Catitiz_PDT_14

Belive in your self, and u can overcome all obstacle

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#3 2014-07-09 06:24:25

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2010-05-01
Messages: 360

Re: New set: Tattoo

hm... i can't think of a decent pun for this set :'(

i will not unlock the "locked" ponys
on a totaly unrelated note: no, i will not stop with the puns!MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
~Only entering for gold. Not interacting with other players very often~

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#4 2014-07-09 08:02:25

fiche Eleveur
Date d'inscription: 2012-04-26
Messages: 714

Re: New set: Tattoo

I bought the hooves and tattoo, very nice looking :)

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